Step #4: modify registry (optional)
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Using the power of registry strings lets you nearly do anything with your INF files!
If your Application needs registry entries (e.g., pre-defined registration data, configuration defaults, ..), INF-Tool offers you a very easy way to do that. Just click on "add entry" and define what you need !


Example #1:

In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, at "CLSID\{042BADC5-5E58-11CE-B610-524153480001}",
a new branch named "
VCI Formula One Workbook" should be created.

·click "Add"  
·as subkey, enter "CLSID\{042BADC5-5E58-11CE-B610-524153480001}" (without quotes)  
·since this should be a branche, just leave the field "value name" blank.  
·As flag, choose "Registry data type REG_EXPAND_SZ" (= branch)  
·as value, enter "VCI Formula One Workbook" (again, without the quotes)  

Example #2:

In HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, at the branch "
CLSID\{042BADC5-5E58-11CE-B610-524153480001}\ToolboxBitmap32", the entry "C:\\Program Files\\Roslon Controls\\System\\Vcf132.ocx, 19401" should be added.

·click "Add".  
·as subkey, enter "CLSID\{042BADC5-5E58-11CE-B610-524153480001}\ToolboxBitmap32" (without quotes)  
·no value name is required here, so leave it empty  
·choose "REG_SZ (String)" (the required value is a string)  
·enter "C:\\Program Files\\Roslon Controls\\System\\Vcf132.ocx, 19401" (without quotes) as value.  

Importing registry files:

INF-Tool supports reading registry files into your project. Thus, you don't need to do everything by hand, but can extract already existing parts of your registry to a .REG file and let INF-Tool read this file, adding its contents to the definition list in Step #4.
1) run Windows' registry editor,
2) click the part or section of the registry you want to export
3) select "Registry"-"Export Registry File" from the menu, enter a .REG file name and close Regedit.
4) in INF-Tool, click "Import", choose the previously saved .REG file and its settings will be added to the list.

Note that long key contents like bitmaps, numerous lines of hexadecimal values etc. could eventually not be inserted completely. Please test such additions carefully and especially don't modify them by using the "Edit" button in Step #4 (where the edit field for the values is limited to 128 characters and 32 hexadecimal values).

Important, please note:

·Registry strings have to be defined in the same format as they are physically stored in the registry, i.e., a DWORD entry needs to be defined as "00 00 00 01" instead of "00000001".  
·quotes have to be entered as double-quote  
·Leaving "Value name" blank sets "(Default)".  

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